
  • HoneyReserve



conn: Connection
reserve: PublicKey


  • Parameters

    • cluster: "mainnet-beta" | "devnet" = 'mainnet-beta'

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Get specific information about the configuration of the reserve. Example include fees charges, expected collateralization ratios and interest rate.


    The reserve config

    Returns ReserveConfig

  • Get the top level information needed for each reserve. outstandingDebt, uncollectedFees and protocolUncollectedFees are stored as a special Number type on the backend and therefore need to be converted by dividing by 10^15.


    The latest state of the total reserve in string format

    Returns helpers.ReserveState

  • Takes the reserve level state and calculates the current utilization and interest rate based on the utilization.

    Returns { interestRate: number; utilization: number }

    • interestRate: number
    • utilization: number
  • Parameters

    • params: UpdateReserveConfigParams

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Derive all the associated accounts for a reserve.


    • client: HoneyClient
    • address: PublicKey

      The reserve address to derive the accounts for.

    • tokenMint: PublicKey

      The address of the mint for the token stored in the reserve.

    Returns Promise<ReserveAccounts>

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