Interface ReserveConfigStruct


  • ReserveConfigStruct


_reserved0: number

Unused space

_reserved1: number[]

Unused space

_reserved2: number[]
borrowRate0: number

The lowest borrow rate in the first regime. Essentially the minimum borrow rate possible for the reserve.

borrowRate1: number

The borrow rate at the transition point from the first to second regime.

borrowRate2: number

The borrow rate at the transition point from the second to thirs regime.

borrowRate3: number

The highest borrow rate in the third regime. Essentially the maximum borrow rate possible for the reserve.

liquidationPremium: number

The amount given as a bonus to a liquidator

loanOriginationFee: number

The fee rate applied as interest owed on new loans

manageFeeCollectionThreshold: BN

The threshold at which to collect the fees accumulated from interest into real deposit notes.

manageFeeRate: number

The fee rate applied to the interest payments collected

minCollateralRatio: number

The minimum allowable collateralization ratio for an obligation

utilizationRate1: number

The utilization rate at which we switch from the first to second regime.

utilizationRate2: number

The utilization rate at which we switch from the second to third regime.

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